Specializing in Construction Disputes
My more than forty years of experience investigating and resolving hundreds of construction disputes can assist you. I have worked on a very wide range of design and construction disputes both dealing with direct construction issues as well as financing, insurance, bonding, etc. My experience in all but a few of the 50 states and Trust Territories includes many types of projects from single family residences to major public works valued at hundreds of millions of dollars. I have been very blessed to work on behalf of a very diverse clientele including:
This broad exposure to all facets of the construction industry has allowed me to see problems and disputes from differing perspectives. This breadth of industry knowledge and experience is of great value as a mediator.
My life’s work, as well as passion and laboratory, has been as Owner of Sage Associates, Inc., a construction consulting firm. I have significant expertise and have been designated and testified in most areas of construction disputes, including but not limited to:
Every construction dispute is entirely unique and must be mediated with an open mind and balanced playing field. There is no “right way” or “best process” and my approach is to establish a process custom tailored to the parties and issues. However, there will be few types of disputes that I will not have had personal experience with.
I am not an attorney, though I have been an active affiliate of the American Bar Association for more than 35 years, been a faithful consumer of its excellent seminar and training programs, and been privileged to be a speaker at many ABA programs. I am also a member of the Association for Conflict Resolution, Construction Financial Management Association, Construction Specification Institute, National Bond Claims Association, and other professional and trade groups.
Your dispute may benefit from mediation with an attorney, it may not. There are potential advantages and disadvantages. You have my word that I will work hard to assist you in resolving your dispute and provide a balanced and confidential forum. I have participated in more construction mediations than I can recall and have training from Pepperdine University in Mediating the Litigated Case.
I truly believe that I can help and hope that you will allow me the opportunity to assist.
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